Our Story


Our Story

Liz grew up experiencing first-hand what substance abuse does to families, the lack of housing stability, consistent job loss, domestic abuse and having to rely on the help of friends, family, and strangers for basic needs was a “normal” part of life. As a result, her family moved around a lot. What Liz wanted most when she started a family of her own was for her children to have housing stability, a place to call home in a nice, safe neighborhood. Now that her children are raised with families of their own, she has a desire to help others achieve their goals of housing stability by providing drug and alcohol-free affordable housing in nice, safe neighborhoods. A place they can call home surrounded by the love and support we all need to thrive.

John grew up in Hawaii where there are limited job opportunities outside of the hospitality industry and construction. With limited opportunities back home, John decided to join the Army at 17 years old and proudly served our country for 25 years. Although he doesn’t regret his decision, his life was forever altered by the things he saw and experienced during his years of service. He’s not alone. There are many veterans who gave a part of their lives to serve our country and struggle to adjust after leaving the military.

Our goal is to support and serve our veterans and others by providing them with a compassionate home in a family like environment. Their family is built one person at a time right inside their house through the caring love and support they provide for each other.

Our Mission

We help people who are in life transition by providing
safe affordable housing in nice neighborhoods
so that they can focus on building the life
they want in a supportive environment.

Our Vision

Our vision is to make a positive impact
on the lives of others by ending
housing insecurity one person
and one house at a time.